Meet Anna, a funny, sweet, wonderful little lady. For her first birthday we decided that nothing would be more fun than a little cake smash! Like most 1 year olds, Anna had never had a whole cake to herself and she really wasn’t sure what to do with it at first. In fact, at first she was a little nervous and wasn’t quite sure what to do. But let me tell you, after a little coxing and encouragement she was on the move. She discovered very quickly how much fun cake can be! With kids of my own, I spend a lot of time and energy trying to make sure everyone stays clean. Maybe that’s why I love a good cake smash. Mom and Dad sit back and watch while we have a blast just making a big old mess! It’s such a fun way to celebrate a first birthday!
Little Anna gave me some fantastic expressions! I wish I could share all of them. She was such a character. You might think she was putting on a little show just for me, but she was pretty intent on trying to get that cake into her mouth. That’s the funniest part about a cake smash, they rarely eat that much cake. Perhaps that’s why we call them cake smashes rather than cake feasts! 🙂
It’s the last few images in a cake smash that can be tricky. By this point in the session she’s ready to move onto something else and there is a fine line between those last few images which can be so fantastic and a snail trail cake mess across the floor as they race off to the next activity.
In this case Anna was perfect. She turned to crawl off giving me a sweet little shot of her ruffles and then paused so I could put my camera down and scoop her up to be cleaned off. When we do these sessions outside there isn’t such a rush at the end, but inside you’ve got to be quick! However, I find that’s a true statement for all sessions with children. With child photography you can capture some amazing moments, but you’ve got to be fast and ready for anything!
Happy Birthday little one.