This sweet little two month old had some seriously intense eyes!  His beautiful mama was pretty worried that he wouldn’t cooperate but he was perfect!  I loved it when he stuck his little tongue out at me as if to say, nice try lady, I’m not going to smile!  🙂

I adore a beautiful summer evening, well, who doesn’t right? Green grass, golden sun and a soft breeze if you’re lucky.  It was the kind of evening that reminds me of chasing fireflies as a child, just dreamy.  This family had a natural beauty and love for one another that seemed to shine from within.  But my absolute favorite part of our session was their daughter.  She was having so much fun running around with me and my camera that she “just had to show me something.” She went racing into her house to bring out her camera, so she could take pictures right along with me!  It was just perfect.


This is Lorelei, 7 days new and absolutely perfect.  I love how a newborn will nestle right up against your body.  I had to force myself to put her down, she was such a little love.