I’m very excited to introduce little Mr. I.  He is the second boy born into one amazing family!  Seeing parents interact with their newborn baby is an amazing thing.  I really don’t mean to sound cheesy but it truly warms my heart!  You can’t help but look at a new mom holding her baby and smile.  When I get the opportunity to work with siblings… wow, they just blow me away.  So much love and compassion from day one!  This session was no exception; big brother was so excited to help with his baby brother’s pictures.  He smiled and waited patently as I got everything ready for him and then gladly leaned down to give his baby brother a hug and kiss.  In fact, his older brother was such a character we got a little series of him with his daddy.

Between the two of them, these brothers gave me some fantastic expressions.  Most of the time during a session my newborns sleep soundly, but every once and a while I catch a brief moment of complete alertness.  Sometimes those images are even cooler than those sweet sleepy poses.  Of course, one of my all time favorite things are newborn yawns!  They yawn and stretch and are just so sweet as they scrunch up and adjust themselves.  Such an exhausting thing growing all day long!  Sweet, sweet boy!  <3  I have some more images from this session to post, but this will have to do for now!  🙂


Painting With Sunlight Photography specializes in Warm, Simple, Beautiful Maternity, Newborn, Child and Family Photography in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Feel free to look around while you’re hear, I’d love to hear from you when you’re ready for more information or to schedule your session.

Let’s talk Catch lights!  Or Catchlights, as the photography community has coined.  😉  What are catchlights?  Well, catchlights are those beautiful little blobs of light that you find in a subject’s eyes.  Catchlights make the eyes sparkle and they give life to your subject.  They are often the difference between a beautiful sharp image and a dull lifeless one.  In order to have great catchlights, you have to have great light, in fact, they are a great way for a beginner to hunt for light.  Try it, talk a stroll around your house with another person and turn them in various directions in the room and around the house.  You will see how the light moves around their eyes.  There is a catch though.  ha ha, see what I did there?!  😉  Your iris, the colored part of your eye around the pupil which controls the amount of light that can enter your retina, is a far more sensitive and sophisticated tool than your camera.  You can focus on a subject and discern detail even in very low lighting conditions.  Your camera isn’t quite so advanced.  You have options in low light conditions.  You can lower your shutter speed, open your lens and bump your iso but only so far.  You could also try adding flash on or off camera.  The thing is, unless you’re setting up a studio session, it can be quite annoying to go running for an extra light source.  It’s far easier to understand how to find the available light around you.  Obviously, if it’s night time, the available light will be limited!  🙂   So seeing just a little light in your subjects eyes, probably won’t give you the results you’re looking for.  You want to see the light in their eyes that you want to see in your image.  Trust me on this one, you don’t want to try to fake this!  Find the light and your eyes will shine, shine, shine without any photoshop action to add sparkle and look far more natural.  In the Louisville Kentucky area, we’re lucky; we get lots of light for most of the year.  Even in the dreary winter, you can find beautiful natural light, but you do have to know where to look!

If you take a look at the images below you will see the difference between great light and terrible light.  All of these images were processed identically and minimally.   The biggest difference in these images is the amount of available light in the room.  For the top image and the bottom left, I had my subject, my son, positioned near a sliding glass door.  It was located camera left.  In the bottom right however, I moved him back about 8 feet and turned him.

It’s easy to see the difference that catchlights make in these images.  That bottom right image looks flat and lifeless compared to the other two.

If we zoom into each of these images you can see even more issues.  Both images are sharp, but the hallway image isn’t anywhere near as tack sharp as the one on the left.  There is noise in the image on the right because I had to bump my iso way up to handle the darker spot.  Your camera requires light to focus and interpret data to create the combination of pixels we call an image.  The more light that you have the more flexibility you have to provide your camera’s sensor with correct exposure settings to interpret the data.    You will find that low light also creates focusing problems because your camera’s focus system (assuming you’re using the camera’s focus system) looks for areas of contrast to lock focus.  In low light, it’s harder to find a point of contrast to lock on.

These images were processed with the following, identical steps.  Subtle skin smoothing, slight warming, sharpening for web.  No eye sparkle actions or tricks.  The camera settings were very different of course and the second low light location is not ideal without additional light.  If you’re like me though, you’d rather just move to a different spot in the house than pull out external lights, at least for fun little snapshots like this!  This is especially helpful when photographing children as you can find the spots with the great light and then position yourself for your ideal images and let the child come to you.

So when you’re on a light hunt, watch for those fantastic catchlights to nail those crisp gorgeous images!  Once you’ve learned how to find the light you can use it in all of your images.  Not only will you understand how to find it, but watching how light bounces in the eyes will give you a better understanding of directional light which is imperative for everything,  newborns, children, family outdoor work, studio work, you name it, this skill is that “ah ha” moment that will make all the difference!


Painting With Sunlight Photography specializes in Warm, Simple, Beautiful Maternity, Newborn, Child and Family Photography in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Feel free to look around while you’re hear, I’d love to hear from you when you’re ready for more information or to schedule your session.

  • Great explanation! Love the examples – and your model is pretty cute, too! 🙂

  • Great tips! What a difference lighting makes!

  • Love catch lights! So expressive…

  • Great tips and Great examples! Oh how I love light!

  • Love the examples! 🙂

  • Vanessa Byrd


  • Great tip and lovely examples to explain it!

  • What a great article on catch lights. I don’t think I have ever seen one this informative. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

This month our blog circle was challenged with the theme food.  Fall is in full force in the Louisville Kentucky area.  There are many different foods that remind me of this time of year: caramel apples, hot cider, turkey and pumpkin pie (I know, those are technically Thanksgiving foods, but that’s all fall so bear with me!)  There is one “food” however that I truly hold near and dear to my heart and it only sort of counts as a food.  That, my friend, is coffee!  That’s right, coffee.  These days, there is nothing better than a warm cup of coffee at the start of my day.  When my babies were newborns I mistakenly thought that as they got older I could sleep longer in the mornings… wrong!  If you have toddlers, you’re probably laughing at my ignorance.  It’s ok, I deserve it.  🙂

Three small children later, I know all about those early mornings where everyone wakes up with 100% energy, everyone that is, except me.  Not to fear, coffee’s here!  Some call it a vice, I call it survival.  There are worse vices to have and I’m just fine with this one.

On very, very lucky days I get a chance to sneak outside and see the sun rising before the madness begins and while that may not be the same as a warm piece of pumpkin pie or a sugary dipped caramel apple it’s about the sweetest thing in the world to me right now.

Louisville Newborn Photographer | Painting With Sunlight Photography

Perhaps it’s the brief quiet that I experience on these mornings, perhaps it’s the warm sweet taste (I use a lot of creamer 😉 ) or maybe it’s just the big kick of caffeine that I’ve come to rely on, whatever it is, right now it’s my favorite food.  So, cheers to you morning cup of Joe, cheers to you!

Up next is my gal Stacy from Stacy Espinoza photography and her interpretation of our food theme.  Click on over; maybe she even picked a real food!  🙂


Painting With Sunlight Photography specializes in Warm, Simple, Beautiful Maternity, Newborn, Child and Family Photography in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Feel free to look around while you’re hear, I’d love to hear from you when you’re ready for more information or to schedule your session.

  • […] click {HERE} to go check out Jennifer from Painting with Sunlight and see how she interpreted the food theme! […]

  • robin s

    i wish i was right there with you drinking warm coffee on a patio watching a gorgeous sunrise! theres something about early mornings that is soooo peaceful and perfect. love these images!

  • I love this post! Coffe and small children… I can totally relate! To be honest I too was that “New Oblivious Mom” thinking the same thing… I can sleep in when they are older …lol

  • Oh my. You have captured my love story perfectly. 🙂 Makes me want to come stay just so I can sneak out with you and enjoy that view with our shared love. Love it!

  • A beautiful sunrise and a cup of coffee equal perfection. This just makes my heart sing as I look forward to that peaceful moment everyday!

  • Mike

    What a wonderful way to start the morning!

  • Oh my goodness, is this ever a post after my own heart!! I LOVE these images – they are stunning, and I too can’t get through the day without copious amounts of coffee!! And that view!! Love this whole thing 🙂

  • Kate

    I love to catch the sunrise with a good cup of coffee too. How inspiring!

  • Perfect! I love my coffee morning, noon, and night! Just always have to reheat it with kids. 🙂

  • I love these so much Jennifer! So So pretty! I want to be right there with you!

  • Kayla

    Super jealous!! Love this interpretation! Sweet quiet mornings are the best 🙂

  • Isn’t that the truth, girlfriend!!! Coffee at it’s finest. Peace and quiet. Your morning view is breathtaking. What a gorgeous cozy spot you’ve captured.

  • Yum! I want to have a cup of coffee with you on your porch at sunrise. I promise not to wake the little ones. Your photography is amazing. You really capture the life in people.

  • Great interpretation! You’re images are always so pretty!

  • I am not sure how, but you turn everything, even coffee, into a lovely work of art!

  • Who would have thought a cup of coffee could look so good!! Love the sunlight in the background!

  • Beautiful! What a lovely view! Such nice work!

  • I am right there with you on the coffee thing!!! Can’t start my day w/o it. 🙂 Beautiful images!

  • Gorgeous shots! Although, as a coffee lover myself, I might be a little partial. 😉

I’m not sure what’s going on in Louisville but these newborns have been super tiny lately!  I only mention it because I love, love love those sweet little baby rolls.  However, these tiny little peanuts are pretty wonderful too.  My first was tiny like this and I’ll never forget how light he was and how he fit perfectly in the crook of my arm.  This sweet little thing was barely 5 pounds of perfection.  She was just so sweet all curled up!  I love the simple little props that just add the tiniest touch to an already perfect newborn.  I must say, this little lady wore them well.

They (usually) sleep so well when they are so new.  Of course, not all newborns sleep well but most of them can’t resist the lulling environment I create for them.   Newborns are all so unique and there’s usually a feature that I fall in love with each time I photograph a baby.  This time it was her eyelashes.  It’s usually the boys with the long lashes, but this time, it’s the sweet little lady.  Look out Louisville, she’s coming for you.  🙂


Painting With Sunlight Photography specializes in Warm, Simple, Beautiful Maternity, Newborn, Child and Family Photography in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Feel free to look around while you’re hear, I’d love to hear from you when you’re ready for more information or to schedule your session.

  • Oh, goodness – what a sweetheart. I adore that little headband on her!

  • Oh my word! What breathtaking pictures! I love that little bonnet on her! So sweet!

  • Sweet baby! 🙂 Love these images.

  • Just darling!!!

  • What a beautiful dainty little thing!

  • So precious! Love the bonnet.

  • Your work is absolutely stunning!

  • Alex

    precious pictures!