Meet sweet baby A.  Simple. Pure. Perfect.  At 7 days new she was as happy as can be, full of life, snuggles and sleepy sweet dreams.  I got to meet her Mom and Grandma during her session and it was an absolute pleasure.  I love hearing a Grandma gush about the newest tiniest grand baby because it’s always absolutely true.  She is perfect in every way and stunningly beautiful already.  I don’t know that I’ve ever seen more perfect skin on a newborn.  She slept for most of her session, only waking at the end for a few necessities.  When I spend my mornings with these little loves, I can honestly tell you it makes my heart sing.  This is just a quick glimpse into her gallery.  I will be sharing more later, but for now, here’s a little peek into her perfection.

I always wonder what these brand new babies are thinking about as the sleep away during their sessions.  Surely nothing but sweet, sweet dreams for this beautiful little thing.  These sweet little newborn girls make me think of the nursery rhyme that talks about what little girls are made of… sugar and spice and all things nice.  Yes, I think that’s just about right.  The problem with that rhyme of course is that those newborn boys are just as sweet.  The snakes and snails don’t come along until much later, and I think the girls get them too!  😉  Of course, not little baby A, she’ll be perfect her whole life, just ask Grandma!


Painting With Sunlight Photography specializes in Warm, Simple, Beautiful Maternity, Newborn, Child and Family Photography in the Louisville, Kentucky area.  Feel free to look around while you’re hear, I’d love to hear from you when you’re ready for more information or to schedule your session.

  • Beautiful images of a beautiful baby! I love these!

  • Thanks Destinee! She was such a beautiful baby!

  • These are beautiful, I hope to be this awesome one day.

  • Such gorgeous photos of this sweet babe! You have a gift for capturing these precious little ones!

  • Oh, how darling. Those pearls… so perfect!

  • Oh what a sweetie!

  • Geovanna Pierce

    Wow, your pictures are amazing! I had a question on one of your posts back in January. The tutorial of the knitted baby pants. I’m new at knitting and was wondering what stitch technique you used for the seams. Was it a mattress stitch?

  • nini1078

    I actually didn’t sew up the seams as methodical as a full mattress stitch, but you certainly could! I actually just came up with a new way to knit pants without any seams at all! I need to write up a tutorial about it, but I haven’t had a chance to yet. Basically any stitch that creates as invisible a seam as you can get away with is what you want. For me, because these are prop pants, I know I just need them to photograph well, I’m not worried about someone inspecting my seams when I’m just making them for myself! I hope that helps!

  • You’re so talented! Beautiful!

There’s something about a little lace that just screams girly to me.  I don’t consider myself a girly girl, but I’ve always liked to play dress up.  When I get a baby girl in the studio, that’s definitely part of the fun, the dress up!  This sweet little lady is the daughter of a dear, dear friend of mine.  She couldn’t have been any sweeter, with her chunky cheeks and gorgeous red hair.  Even as a brand new baby she had that beautiful hair.  It’s particularly distinctive to me because I am also a redhead and you just don’t see it that often.  I’m sure Lousville Kentucky is filled with redheads but I haven’t met any of them.  Oh well, maybe they are hiding in Lexington.  😉  Her tomboy of a mother was all over the lace, feathers and pearls for this session and little Miss R loved every second of it.  If you follow my blog you’ll notice that I always seem to be mentioning eyelashes, usually on the boys, so it’s only fair to point out her’s.  Stunning!  Just like her mother.  She was all about pulling faces for me during this session, I think I got all of her classic looks, including the “serious” baby face.  Sometimes there is just so much to think about.  My favorite expression of all times is this one below.  I’ve been wracking my brain to come up with the perfect quote for this image and I have a few contenders but nothing that has stuck yet.

At this age, you get very real expressions, whether contentment, seriousness, laughter or even sadness.  I often wonder what they would tell you if they could truly express themselves in words.  Luckily as parents, especially mothers, we are pretty good at reading those expressions even without the words.


Painting With Sunlight Photography specializes in Warm, Simple, Beautiful Maternity, Newborn, Child and Family Photography in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Feel free to look around while you’re hear, I’d love to hear from you when you’re ready for more information or to schedule your session.

  • Love those little ones. Beautiful

  • I love the red hair and the softness to your images. Beautiful!

  • What a doll! Love the lace and pearls!

  • awww – what a cutie pie!! love that pink lace romper!!!

  • Cute cute cute!

  • LOL, love her facial expression in the first picture 🙂

  • Oh my gosh, what a cutie!!

As promised, here are a few more of this sweet little newborn, Mr. I.  If you missed the first glimpse of his session you can find it here!  I couldn’t wait to blog those first few images for his family, but I have some family shots that I couldn’t leave out!  What an amazingly loving family this tiny sweet little newborn has!  So many smiles, so much love, they were an absolute pleasure to work with!  You can fake a lot of things in photography, not that it’s a good idea, 😉 but you can’t fake the real connection that you seen in a smiling family.  It’s just not possible, those genuine smiles are either there or they aren’t.  This family was fantastic!  I mean, hands down, blow me away, wonderfully awesome!  I never what it will be about a client that will stick with me but it’s always something whether they are the tiny newborn, the mischievous child or the whole family.  For this family it was their relaxed nature and their incredible sense of humor.

It’s tough to be a Mom, it’s even tougher to be the mother of a newborn and a toddler, but when you have a sense of humor, I believe you’ll do just fine!  Sometimes it’s the simple things that matter the most. There is no doubt in my mind that these guys will be remarkable, as individuals and as a family.


Painting With Sunlight Photography specializes in Warm, Simple, Beautiful Maternity, Newborn, Child and Family Photography in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Feel free to look around while you’re hear, I’d love to hear from you when you’re ready for more information or to schedule your session.

  • What a sweet family! I love the last picture with the baby and his brother – that will be a treasure!

  • Love! Gorgeous family. 🙂 I love the natural captures at the bottom of the post. 🙂

  • Beautiful! I especially love the ones on the bed!

  • So beautiful!!!

  • Lovely family and such cute children!

There is something so amazingly beautiful about maternity.  That closeness that you feel with your newborn baby before he or she even takes one single breath of air. Those soft (or not so soft) movements and the kind of closeness that only a mother knows.  I remember these feelings well and they are some of my favorite to capture.  You never forget those first kicks or hiccups, that conversation that you are having with your baby that means so much.  I’ve been working so hard to capture these moments, truly capture a visual image of those moments.  This softer look is how I see that wordless conversation between mother and child.  I’m so excited to share these images with you.

You know that soon to be newborn baby better than anyone in the world.  This is your time to learn about each other, speak in a language unknown to the outside world. Those feelings of love, and excitement, all of that hope and anticipation, those things can’t simply be bottled up, but they can be frozen in time in an image, to bring you back to that moment when you held the most important thing in the world, so close to your heart.

This is just a sneak peek into this beautiful session that I captured while working with the amazing Jenny Cruger out of Franklin, TN.  I am simply blown away from the beauty radiating from this stunning mother.  It’s the kind of beauty that you don’t always feel while pregnant, but is simply a reflection of all of the amazing and wonderful things that are happening; that perfect connection that you share with that baby.  That is what is I see, that is what you’ll remember.


Painting With Sunlight Photography specializes in Warm, Simple, Beautiful Maternity, Newborn, Child and Family Photography in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Feel free to look around while you’re hear, I’d love to hear from you when you’re ready for more information or to schedule your session.

  • Kate

    These are beautiful!

  • What a beautiful mother-to-be. 🙂 *Almost* makes me want to do it again! 😉

  • timeless beauty